Dev Meeting Transcript (August 27, 2021)
[3:54 PM] Kent Bull: :wave_tone1: Hello, just a bit early today
[3:54 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Howdy
[3:57 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Before stuff heats up with Hans_Schmidt โs proposal, Tron any update on the signing for p2sh?
[3:58 PM] brianmct: opened up the channel
[4:00 PM] kinkajou: Hello
[4:00 PM] kinkajou: Would also like to get in an early question to Biz regarding SegWit/LN – Have you had a chance to review the code further?
[4:00 PM] boatsandhoes: Hello all
[4:01 PM] JustaResearcher: Heya
[4:01 PM] boatsandhoes: who is coordinating?
[4:02 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: I can try and lead it
[4:02 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Normally its kinda of a free for all
[4:02 PM] kinkajou: We've been wingin' it with great success, Tron did most of the talking last week of course
[4:02 PM] Tron: Hi all.
[4:02 PM] boatsandhoes: that needs to be fixed
[4:02 PM] JustaResearcher: Sup Tron.
[4:03 PM] HyperPeek: Hi :slight_smile:
[4:03 PM] Tron: On mobile phone. Internet is down.
[4:03 PM] Vincent: :popcorn:
[4:03 PM] Tron: There is a guy on my roof fixing it.
[4:04 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Here is hansโ proposal
[4:04 PM] HyperPeek: Welcome to the club :joy:
[4:04 PM] boatsandhoes: Tron is there still a schedule for dev meeting coordinators like there was a while ago?
and if not can we get that going again for better flow?
[4:04 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Volunteering boatsandhoes ?
[4:04 PM] boatsandhoes: Yes
[4:05 PM] Kent Bull: Is this related to or completely separate from SegWit/LN and Signing for P2SH?
[4:05 PM] kinkajou: different but includes segwit/taproot/other btc updates
[4:05 PM] boatsandhoes: it has crossover, but its more broad
[4:05 PM] Kent Bull: I can't do every week though I'd definitely jump on a schedule if we had something. I tried every week earlier this year and I got burnt out.
[4:05 PM] boatsandhoes: its like 28 pages Kent Bull
[4:06 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Lots of contention about the proposed dev fee (im against it) but theres a lot of other stuff in there
[4:06 PM] boatsandhoes: I can take the torch if its okay
[4:06 PM] boatsandhoes: indeed
[4:06 PM] Kent Bull: do it
[4:06 PM] JustaResearcher: Dev fee = :face_vomiting:
[4:06 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Im thinking we should have some vc discussions sooner than later on it
[4:06 PM] Tron: I have thoughts on the Evermore roadmap proposal, but I'd like to get it out and get feedback on it.
[4:07 PM] boatsandhoes: need moderator status, but im able and down to do it the rest of this year
[4:07 PM] boatsandhoes: same
[4:07 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Lets talk about
1) p2sh
2) pegging/stable coin proposals
3) hansโ proposal
[4:08 PM] boatsandhoes: 4) Braveland
5) How much is the audit for the non P2SH part of the fork, and when will it be done?
6) What else is going into the fork along with P2SH?
[4:08 PM] kinkajou: 7) Kawpow miner AMD support
[4:08 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Anything else?
[4:09 PM] Tron: Great list.
[4:09 PM] kinkajou: would like that segwit update if Biz makes it here,
8) porting dev meetings to other social media platforms
[4:09 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Lets start with 1
HyperPeek Hans_Schmidt hows p2Sh Tron signing keys coming soon?
[4:10 PM] Tron: EV Signing key (Windows) is here.
[4:10 PM] HyperPeek: A procedure is needed — who will do the signing, how do we share keys etc.. Mac is a different story anyway.
[4:11 PM] Tron: $28K for ISE to security review code other than P2SH
[4:12 PM] boatsandhoes: Has it been paid for, and or the work started?
[4:12 PM] Hans_Schmidt: Hello
[4:12 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Thats an estimation i believe
[4:13 PM] Kent Bull: It's always an estimation with software development.
[4:13 PM] Kent Bull: Or security analysis.
[4:13 PM] Tron: I converted enough RVN from the security audit fund (10% at the time) into USDC to pay for it.
[4:13 PM] Tron: Just need a code freeze to rc0 to have reviewed.
[4:14 PM] Tron: Fixed estimate to review it
[4:14 PM] Tron: They're not fixing anything they find.
[4:15 PM] HyperPeek: Ok, that is point 6. I suggest we put in whatever is in it on develop plus maybe a few of the open merges
[4:15 PM] Tron: :thumbsup:
[4:16 PM] boatsandhoes: is ISE the same company that the community consensus said was almost worthless with the last audit?
[4:16 PM] HyperPeek: There is only 6 PRs open, 3 or 4 of which seem safe.
[4:16 PM] Tron: Yes
[4:16 PM] kinkajou: I'd like to plan a bit more ahead for the next audit. If we could get certik to do one of our audits we get a 'badge' on CoinMarketCap. Helps with credibility/image some – every little bit helps IMO!
[4:17 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: I believe Tron looked into that
[4:17 PM] boatsandhoes: in that case why not use certik for this one? why wait?
[4:17 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: It was 7 months wait?
[4:17 PM] kinkajou: Yes I think they were booked up
[4:17 PM] Tron: I talked to Certik.
[4:17 PM] boatsandhoes: oh
[4:17 PM] Tron: I'll check my records when I get internet back, but I think they review smart contracts
[4:18 PM] kinkajou: "Slowmist" ( also seems to provide security audits with CoinMarketCap badging
[4:19 PM] HyperPeek: China :slight_smile:
[4:19 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Please elaborate
[4:19 PM] boatsandhoes: im down to explore that option
[4:20 PM] WhaleStreet: Are security audits the best use of funds?
Does requiring a security audit for all change scale well both practically and financially?
[4:20 PM] boatsandhoes: CMC badge will prob help move RVN up the ranking a lot, got to play the game to move up in the game
[4:21 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: So in short p2sh is ready, we have signing keys, now an audit?
[4:21 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Is the non p2sh code essential to chain functionality?
[4:21 PM] kinkajou: If the goal is to make changes as infrequent as possible then it's fine IMO. If not, funds would be better spent on another salaried Developer IMO
[4:21 PM] Tron: There's a few security related things in there.
[4:22 PM] boatsandhoes: Regarding the fork, P2SH needs a hard fork, but do the other things in it need one as well? and where can an itemized list of the other things be found?
[4:22 PM] HyperPeek: No hard-fork except p2sh, but a big number of changes
[4:22 PM] Kent Bull: No, It doesn't scale well for all changes. Only consensus related things make sense to review right now.
[4:23 PM] Kent Bull: Paid security review, that is.
[4:23 PM] Hans_Schmidt: There are definitely some worth-while code bug fixes and extra things non-p2sh worth including.
[4:23 PM] Rikki RATTOE – Sorry I'm late, NO to the proposed Mandatory Dev Fee :beers:
[4:24 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Not yet lol
[4:24 PM] boatsandhoes: Then why not fork just P2SH, then schedule a review for the other stuff with Certik, and wait to push the other stuff to main net? Why rush the other stuff for a code review from a company the community thinks isn't worth a lick of salt?
[4:24 PM] Rikki RATTOE – Oh my bad, thought I missed that
[4:24 PM] Kent Bull: What is your argument against? I'm collecting both for and against arguments so we properly understand the tradeoffs. DM me your argument pls since we're discussing something else right now.
[4:24 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: I think the idea is as few updates as possible
[4:24 PM] Hans_Schmidt: Github IS the itemized organized list
[4:24 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Or rather put as much in a review update as possible
[4:25 PM] Rikki RATTOE – Chain Centralization. Rise of a Technocracy similar to ETHs governance structure
[4:25 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: I think hansโ proposal will need a meeting of its own
[4:25 PM] Rikki RATTOE – Oh ok.
[4:25 PM] HyperPeek: Its not that easy. P2sh had quite some changes until it worked. And I am not sure how it would work / make sense without other fixes. There has been a lot work on asset's as well.
[4:25 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: But its item 3 in the list
[4:26 PM] boatsandhoes: the idea should also be to get P2SH out asap, and not waste dev funds on code reviews that are worthless, a review for the sake of review is not necessarily a good thing
[4:26 PM] Rikki RATTOE – Love most of the rest of the proposal BTW :beers: Anywho I'll shut up til it's time for that conversion to be had :grinning:
[4:26 PM] boatsandhoes: im a little confused by that, so P2SH was audited before it worked?
[4:26 PM] kinkajou: I'd like to get at least some initial thoughts out in this meeting, since it is highly anticipated. Then people have a week to sit on the discussion and process their opinions.
[4:27 PM] boatsandhoes: Agreed!
[4:27 PM] Hans_Schmidt: Reverting out code changes which have been carefully and incrementally merged in carries a substantial bug risk of its own.
[4:27 PM] boatsandhoes: whats the work on assets?
[4:28 PM] HyperPeek: Its mostly GUI fixes, just check the github history :slight_smile:
[4:28 PM] boatsandhoes: github is the all the code. im not talking specifics. for ex P2SH is an item, im not looking for the entire code base
[4:28 PM] HyperPeek: But there are PR's to check
[4:29 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: (
[4:29 PM] Hans_Schmidt: Each PR has a summary.
[4:29 PM] kinkajou: I think we already used our "mulligan" with respect to rushing code updates without proper review :stuck_out_tongue:
would rather not have a repeat of the same (or worse) mistake heh
[4:29 PM] boatsandhoes: yeah, will do. it would be nice to have a list complied in a doc for all the community members not familiar with github. I volunteer myself to make that list this week so we have something to point people to
[4:29 PM] HyperPeek: Feel free…
[4:29 PM] boatsandhoes: haha, amen to that dude!
[4:30 PM] boatsandhoes: so to be clear, that list does not currently exist?
[4:30 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Not that i know of
[4:30 PM] boatsandhoes: cool, i rather not do work that is already done
[4:31 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Is everyone good to go with our first point?
[4:31 PM] Kent Bull: Yeah, everything must be carefully reviewed. The question is on the depth of the review. Since every change to the Ravencoin codebase can potentially have compromising code then any reviewer of Ravencoin changes must at least be minimally security aware so we can make sure UI changes avoid suspicious updates to other modules that involve consensus and other secure aspects.
[4:31 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: We got 8 othersโฆ
[4:31 PM] boatsandhoes: yes and no, i think we spent enough time on it and should move on and bring it up again next week
[4:31 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Ok
[4:32 PM] kinkajou: lets move on please
[4:32 PM] Kent Bull: Wonderful. I'd like to add that list to my personal knowledge base.
[4:32 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Ill reach out to you about meetings and the like
[4:32 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Point 2: pegging / stable coins
[4:32 PM] Hans_Schmidt: No. I created lists for myself on a few occasions but ended up deciding that they were less accurate versions of the github Closed Pull Request list
[4:32 PM] Tron: This is the list. And — correct me if I'm wrong — the code to be reviewed.
[4:32 PM] Tron:
[4:33 PM] kinkajou: I think it's fair to say we received an encouraging amount of interest in the USDS proposal at least. u/Tron could we move forward with getting an address published to receive donations?
[4:33 PM] boatsandhoes: cool, will check that out, and use as a jumping off point :slight_smile:
[4:33 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Tron can you go over the 2 stable coin/liquidity propositions again?
[4:33 PM] Tron: Yes
[4:34 PM] boatsandhoes: per Tron's point earlier, there needs to be clear documentation that crypto should not be sent from an exchange
[4:34 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Should be a simple matter with blockchain :slight_smile:
[4:34 PM] Tron: The first is stably. They want $125K, and much of the code will be contributed back as open-source. The code will probably only be useful for others that want to do something else, but will mint/burn tokens.
[4:34 PM] kinkajou: thats assuming refunds will be needed. Many donate without expectation of refund, though I agree people should be made aware.
[4:35 PM] Tron: The value in stably is their connections with custodians.
[4:35 PM] Tron: The USD will be held in custody with Prime Trust at 1:1
[4:36 PM] Tron: The stable coins will be minted/burned on the Ravencoin blockchain, and can be redeemed with Stably.
[4:36 PM] Tron: —————–
[4:36 PM] boatsandhoes: yeah, but it gets messy if ppl donate for "A", and it does not reach the threshold. would it be better if funds are returned, or if they were shifted to a different proposal. i dont think it should be paid for with general funds
[4:37 PM] Tron: The USDO is $25K (in RVN) which will be used to incentivize the AMM, and the USDO is algorithmicly stable. More like DAI.
[4:37 PM] Hans_Schmidt: Per the Stably proposal, you go through KYC with Prime Trust, then you give them US dollars, and they give you USDS stable coin dollar tokens on the Ravencoin blockchain. Anyone (who has gone through KYC) can get $1US at any time without fees from Prime Bank in exchange for a USDS stablecoin. So assuming that people are willing to sell you their RVN on-chain in exchange for USDS, It's like Coinbase but you take custody of the RVN on-chain instead of having to move them on-chain from Coinbase in a 2nd step. Stably will charge the Ravencoin Foundation $125K setup fee just to run a node and do the paperwork with Prime Trust. So it doesn't help individuals much. But it helps the project because now we have a $US stablecoin which can increase on-chain trading activity.
Is this correct?
[4:38 PM] Tron: RVN is minted as pRVN (by us). There is extra RVN given out (that's where the $25K goes) to incentize the behavior of creating USDO. The USDO would be on the Binance Smart Chain, not the Ravencoin chain. But could be used there for loans, borrowing, etc.
[4:38 PM] HyperPeek: These are only the changes introduced since the p2sh merge. There has been a number of changes outside p2sh before May 21st.
[4:39 PM] kinkajou: Stably mint/burn code could end up being pretty useful IMO. Have to see it first
[4:39 PM] boatsandhoes: would be cool if it was on rvn, not binance, especially with all the bad pr around binance lately
[4:39 PM] RAVENCOIN.TIMELINE.OVH: Converting back pRvn to RVN cost you some rvn… So be careful… It is not a free conversion xxx
[4:40 PM] Hans_Schmidt: Good point. Thanks for the correction.
[4:41 PM] kinkajou: I don't think we could have an algo-based stablecoin on RVN due to lack of smart contract functionality, right?
[4:41 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Now theres a lot of stuff going on with stable coins legal wise
[4:41 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: At least in the Us
[4:41 PM] Tron: Are those changes (pre May 21st) already in the master branch of RavencoinProject/Ravencoin?
[4:42 PM] boatsandhoes: we could
[4:42 PM] Tron: More importantly, are we ready to code-freeze the develop branch of RavencoinProject/Ravencoin for security review?
[4:42 PM] boatsandhoes: just need a centralized service to take usd, and issue assets on rvn
[4:42 PM] Hans_Schmidt: The USDO proposal specified neither the required over-collatoralization requirement nor the interest rate on the loan.
[4:43 PM] kinkajou: I am not a fan of BSC either, but ideally when all is said and done I see us being tied to every large chain in this ecosystem. Might as well get BSC out of the way now, ya feel?
[4:43 PM] boatsandhoes: i do feel that
[4:44 PM] kinkajou: I think we should
[4:44 PM] kinkajou: Been putting it off a while (through no fault of anyone)
[4:44 PM] boatsandhoes: plus using the binance chain rvn gets exposure to metamask
[4:44 PM] Hans_Schmidt: Develop has not yet merged Ben's changes to help 2-step swaps, which we are still reviewing and probably want to include.
[4:44 PM] HyperPeek: Yes, I think so, because we needed them to have a working master. But that is not in any official version yet. So a proper diff would be between and develop.…develop
[4:45 PM] Tron: The code will probably run on Ethereum, Solana, and others, but they would probably need to be another incentivization fee. That causes people to "yield farm" by locking up their RVN/pRVN.
[4:46 PM] kinkajou: We need more defi exposure and this seems like a good way to get our foot in the door until better options come along.
[4:46 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Does anyone else want to add on these stable coin proposals
[4:47 PM] Tron: As far as the over-collateralization and interest… OpenDAO is doing other projects, and so that can be a guide. The difference is that other projects often have a "treasury" to draw from to incentivize the yield farming.
[4:47 PM] boatsandhoes: Agreed
[4:47 PM] kinkajou: I'd just like to inquire as to how we are going to move foward? It seems to me the foundation needs to take the lead in coordinating donations so when can we get that going?
[4:48 PM] Tron: HyperPeek Hans_Schmidt If you could ping me with the repo to code-freeze and have audited when it is ready.
[4:49 PM] HyperPeek: Ok!
[4:49 PM] Tron: I can post two addresses for both projects. But if they fail to reach the goal, the funds would go into the general fund. Unless, or until, there is a mechanism for returning funds — which is requires that folks know not to send from a centralized custodial wallet.
[4:49 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: I think more discussion is needed on whether or not to go forwards
[4:50 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Though people can vote with their funds
[4:50 PM] boatsandhoes: agreed
[4:50 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: A go fund me esque address
[4:50 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: If the goals arent reached theyre returned
[4:51 PM] boatsandhoes: can it be made clear when those addresses are posted that should they fall short, that the funds will be shifted into the general fund?
[4:51 PM] kinkajou: That would be great. There seems to be a lot of community interest I don't think we'll have issues putting the funds together – but the earlier we can start the better. Love to ride our momentum
[4:51 PM] kinkajou: I don't care whether funds being returned or going to the general fund, just so long as people are made aware.
[4:53 PM] boatsandhoes: could even do 4 addresses. 2 for donations that will be returned should they fall short, and 2 for donations going into the gen fund should they fall short
[4:53 PM] Tron: I'm willing to do returns for a $1K minimum contribution from non-custodial addresses if we don't reach the goal, but any smaller and without automation it is too burdensome to return smaller contributions.
[4:53 PM] kinkajou: Works for me. Just need to inform people of that and there shouldn't be any issues.
[4:54 PM] boatsandhoes: that should also be made clear next to the donation address when its posted
[4:54 PM] Kent Bull: How have other coins/chains handled this sort of fundraising? Smart contract with donaters and addresses to return things to if a goal isn't met? It sounds like we're writing a smart contract as we discuss this.
[4:54 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: More like a trust contract
[4:55 PM] kinkajou: Crypto has largely been built on good-faith initiatives.
[4:55 PM] boatsandhoes: What is the status of funding for Braveland?
[4:55 PM] Rikki RATTOE – Yes please, nearly everything is better than the CZ completely owned and controlled BSC network
[4:55 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: boatsandhoes want to start your points ?
[4:55 PM] Tron: I don't know.
[4:56 PM] boatsandhoes: is the foundation paying the monthly bill?
[4:56 PM] Tron: No
[4:56 PM] boatsandhoes: okay, cool. that was my only question on that
[4:56 PM] boatsandhoes: 5 and 6 were covered, im out of topics
[4:57 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: kinkajou
[4:57 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: I think kawpowminer
[4:57 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Do we know whos been working on that?
[4:58 PM] boatsandhoes: Who was it that made the kawpow miner?
[4:58 PM] kinkajou: Ondalf helped, right?
[4:58 PM] kinkajou: There are many complaints for KawPowminer for AMD cards. Nvidia seems to be good.
[4:59 PM] boatsandhoes: what are the top complaints?
[4:59 PM] kinkajou: Pretty much completely unusable for AMD, though. Which means we dont have a working opensource mining program for those cards.
[4:59 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Hans_Schmidt could you touch on your proposal shortly?
[4:59 PM] kinkajou: switcheroo spent ~1 week building IIRC and then ended up with 50% expected hashrate
[4:59 PM] Tron: Do the paid (via a %) miners work?
[5:00 PM] kinkajou: Yes, Teamredminer works well.
[5:00 PM] boatsandhoes: working, maybe not optimized though
[5:00 PM] boatsandhoes: t-rex is my go to, but i don't use amd so can't speak to how well it works for those cards
[5:01 PM] Tron: Same
[5:01 PM] kinkajou: working for some people sometimes, lots of people having issues building/running for amd cards though:
[5:01 PM] boatsandhoes: thanks for sharing that!
[5:02 PM] kinkajou: It's mainly a concern because we do not have a viable open source miner for AMD cards, so people that only run open source (for security or other reasons) cannot profitably mine RVN.
[5:03 PM] Kent Bull: I'm headed out. It was nice chatting!.
[5:03 PM] boatsandhoes: that is an issue. lets circle back on that next week
[5:03 PM] boatsandhoes: Got to bounce y'all. Have an excellent rest of the week, hope to see you guys next week
[5:03 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Alright seems hans isnt around rn
[5:04 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: boatsandhoes and kinkajou ill get in touch with you about leading meetings, see if we can get some vcs and hansโ proposal going
[5:04 PM] Tron: Thanks everyone. I'll try and get a donation page for both projects up on the foundation website.
[5:04 PM] Rikki RATTOE – The Ravencoin Official Mobile Wallet needs to be removed from the app store
[5:04 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: ^
[5:04 PM] LSJI07 – BWS: Hi, quietly reading. Happy to see more full node numbers recently. 500-700 plus.
[5:04 PM] Hans_Schmidt: The Evermore Defi roadmap is intended to make Ravencoin a 1st class participant in the Defi space. I wanted the Evermore proposal to stimulate discussion, motivate code improvements, and increase Ravencoin adoption. It's up to the community to decide if it has value and what to do with it. It's too complex to get into here. It's at
Evermore: A Defi Roadmap for Ravencoin
Evermore: A Defi Roadmap for Ravencoin
[5:04 PM] Rikki RATTOE – It cant handle assets that have memo hashes attached to them
[5:04 PM] Biz: Hello, feel free to dm me question! I have had a slow week recovering from surgery
[5:05 PM] Rikki RATTOE – Darn*, I'm too late, the dev fee stuff got me sidetracked about the mobile wallet, ugh
[5:05 PM] Biz: In response to this: I have not yet had a chance to dig in
[5:05 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: We havenโt talked hansโ proposal yet
[5:05 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: I think it would be best to set up a meeting especially for it tbd
[5:05 PM] kinkajou: thanks for the update! Many on reddit are asking for updates on SegWit/LN so there seems to be some interest. Hope you recover well :slight_smile:
[5:07 PM] kinkajou: Also would like to touch on porting dev meetings to other platforms (I know you kralverde ๐บ๐ธ have put some thought into this as have Jeroz and myself). Would be nice to engage more of the community than just the Discord crowd
[5:07 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Yes
[5:07 PM] HyperPeek: Agree. Need some more time to go through it in detail
[5:07 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Im working on a cross platform bot
[5:07 PM] LSJI07 – BWS: Keen to consider this. Interested in making the existing DB's faster before adding additional metadata. Like the toll concept!
[5:09 PM] kinkajou: Could you elaborate a bit? I think you're saying we need to make sure throughput can account for the increased load on the network resultant from an additional datafield?
[5:10 PM] LSJI07 – BWS: this bit. :thumbsup: **Assets with owner-required Toll (trading fee):
Each asset will be given a metadata field indicating a required per asset Toll qty of RVN (or % of face value for Vault tokens) paid whenever that asset is transferred. Another metadata field specifies the address to which the payment is made.
The value of Toll amount and Toll address fields will be selected at asset creation time, Toll amount and Toll address can be changed during reissue unless Toll Amount is zero, in which case it will always be zero.
There is no toll charged for a "Consume" operation (consumes are not transfers), so a Wrapping token which has a toll can be "cashed in" for its associated value asset by consuming it without incurring a toll.
The Toll is paid as a RVN output to the Toll address. Meeting that requirement is enforced as a consensus item by all nodes.**
[5:10 PM] LSJI07 – BWS: yes. Han already considered this in his writeup and mentioned a few solutions.
[5:11 PM] Rikki RATTOE – Basically royalties
[5:11 PM] Rikki RATTOE – Yep, would be a great addition to the RVN Toolshed
[5:12 PM] LSJI07 – BWS:
**6) Adding new data fields to the transaction and UTXO specification will increase the on-disk and in-memory storage requirements and the sync time for full nodes, and therefore should be given appropriate consideration. However, the required increase to support most financial primitives is expected to be modest. Unlike account-based systems such as Ethereum or extended-UTXO systems such as Cardano, the changes will not be storing arbitrary persistent system state. Ravencoin core sync code has not yet been very well optimized, and future technologies such as Utreexo and Flyclient may provide additional solutions.**
[5:13 PM] LSJI07 – BWS: Not looked at the funding elements. looked at what I would want tbh for the chain going forward..
[5:16 PM] Mango Farm: A few people have mentioned the absence of toll ability as one distinguishing factor (RVN vs ETH). Artists would use that feature, among others.
[5:18 PM] Mango Farm: I was going to raise the possibility of a new RPC call for importing BIP39/44 seed words today but the discussion has been interesting and itโs pretty late so Iโll make an issue on GitHub for discussion and raise it next week.
[5:19 PM] kinkajou: Mango Farm Would love to get your thoughts on the legal implications of the funding proposal as well. I think that is an equally important conversation that should be had at some point, sooner better than later.
[5:20 PM] Mango Farm: Thatโs a thicket Iโm not sure I will wade into for a number of reasons (most importantly because I like many of the ideas in the proposal but not that one).
[5:20 PM] Mango Farm: I wouldnโt want my objectivity to be in doubt. Love the feature proposals. Not in love with the fee structure.
[5:21 PM] kinkajou: I respect that. How do you think we should go about getting an unbiased expert legal opinion on the matter?
[5:22 PM] Mango Farm: The old fashioned way – Would need to hire counsel or get someone to do it pro Bono.
[5:22 PM] kinkajou: Perhaps the lawyer that did the previous foundation pro-bono work?
[5:23 PM] kinkajou: They would obviously still need to have the requisite knowledge of securities laws/regulations
[5:23 PM] kinkajou: If funding is the main point of contention it may prove difficult to find funding to review the funding proposal :stuck_out_tongue:
[5:23 PM] Mango Farm: Definitely a possibility. He does have that knowledge.
[5:24 PM] kinkajou: Do you think yourself or someone else that worked with them before could reach out for us? Just to see if that's an option?
[5:25 PM] WhaleStreet: Yeah just like Satoshi asked the gov and lawyer if he could write his code.
[5:25 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: Its a Different age
[5:25 PM] Mango Farm: I think it makes the most sense to see what the structure is before engaging someone to analyze it. Otherwise the cart is in front of the horse.
[5:26 PM] switcheroo: Kawpowminer doesnโt work properly at all on AMD cards. On both Ubuntu and Windows the cards get 1/5th the expected hash rate. Drivers and OS installations had no effect, the GPUs tried all hashed the same, and issue persisted across PCIE ports, motherboards, you name it. Kawpowminer worked normal on Nvidia for the same systems, but wouldnโt work for AMD (at least, the 5700xtโs I have). Full speeds on TRM, however.
[5:26 PM] Mango Farm: Satoshi was anonymous and didnโt write his code in an era where the SEC is suing developers for writing code.
[5:27 PM] WhaleStreet: #Libertyreserve
[5:28 PM] WhaleStreet: Liberty dollars
[5:28 PM] Mango Farm: Not the sec but itโs probably prudent to consider the ramifications. I donโt have a strong view just wanted to be responsive.
[5:28 PM] kinkajou: Satoshi didn't ask his users to fund him.
[5:29 PM] WhaleStreet: He didn't have users..
[5:29 PM] WhaleStreet: It's free open source protocol
[5:29 PM] Mango Farm: Well he did have Hal :rofl:
[5:29 PM] kinkajou: His invention did so for the sake of this argument so did he (semantics aside).
[5:30 PM] LSJI07 – BWS: Its important to separate the funding issues from the ideas and code. Hans_Schmidt Thank you for the hard work writing the ideas up for consideration! Not easy!
[5:32 PM] kinkajou: Yes, great work Hans_Schmidt . This is the most forward-looking development conversation we've had in ages. Your proposal has already succeeded IMO regardless of how much ends up getting coded.
[5:32 PM] WhaleStreet: Everyone likes nice things, just not everyone knows how to pay for them.
[5:33 PM] Mango Farm: Some of the stuff on there is great and answers questions Iโve had from some people who want to use the platform IRL – yes, thank you Hans.
[5:33 PM] WhaleStreet: Anyone care to express their thoughts on alternative funding ideas?
[5:34 PM] LSJI07 – BWS: Ask and ye shall recieve.
[5:34 PM] kinkajou: I believe we raised over $100k in less than 24hrs for the last raise, correct? If so, should be no trouble raising 10x more than that for this one, since we've appreciated in price 10x since then.
[5:34 PM] LSJI07 – BWS: or something like that….
[5:34 PM] WhaleStreet: Two people basically paid for that. Me and one other person IIRC. Not that easy.
[5:35 PM] kinkajou: Wait a bit longer before bailing us out this time around and you may be surprised :stuck_out_tongue:
[5:35 PM] kinkajou: or I may be wrong
[5:35 PM] kinkajou: but it's an alternative worth trying before dismissing
[5:35 PM] Mango Farm: Thatโs not correct WhaleStreet . While you did pay a substantial amount there were many small donors as well and other large donors who remained anonymous.
[5:35 PM] WhaleStreet: I mean, if we get to $1 I'll find the entire thing. But short of that it will be difficult.
[5:35 PM] WhaleStreet: Lol
[5:35 PM] LSJI07 – BWS: not ideal but it keeps the code imo purer than adding dev funding directly into the code
[5:36 PM] Mango Farm: I sent each of them a token so had a window into who gave what it was a pretty broad base of people.
[5:36 PM] kinkajou: If we get to $1 I will be able to bring on a full-time dev myself. There are many in this community that have donated and continue to donate to this project.
[5:36 PM] WhaleStreet: Orly?
What I was told was that an anon donated $50k and I donated $20k or so..
[5:37 PM] LSJI07 – BWS: keeping the code pure and FOSS at this stage is crucial imo.
[5:37 PM] Mango Farm: There were some others who donated decent sums as well. Myself included.
[5:37 PM] kinkajou: donated ~1k and never got a token – wheres my refund (jk)
[5:37 PM] Mango Farm: And lots of little donations
[5:38 PM] Mango Farm: Haha I still have them I can send you one. If you paid from an exchange there was no way to get it to you.
[5:38 PM] LSJI07 – BWS: I donated enough so that it hurt when it went up after….:jesus:
[5:38 PM] LSJI07 – BWS: happy to do it though. well worth it.
[5:39 PM] WhaleStreet: Ah I see.
So does my point still stand that the majority was donated by not many people and that it will not be easy to raise 10x $100k from said donators?
Or perhaps it's easier now that the price is higher?
[5:39 PM] kinkajou: I did. But like many others I donated without any expectation of return just because I love Ravencoin :slight_smile: I think we have one of the greatest communities (if not THE greatest) in all of crypto. It'd be a shame not to leverage that to our advantage
[5:40 PM] WhaleStreet: I'm all for the donation model and think it is better than a dev fee. Just not sure we can raise $1m
[5:40 PM] Mango Farm: If I'm remembering your donation was critical and put it over the top at an important time
[5:40 PM] Vincent: great meeting; great proposal Hans
[5:40 PM] kinkajou: I think it will be relatively easy to fund-raise $1MM if stipulated for use on Hans' proposed improvements
[5:41 PM] LSJI07 – BWS: We have to try and ask people for their support. Even special NFT sales to fund specific development areas.
[5:41 PM] kinkajou: If we start now we might even finish raising the money by the time we're done arguing over it
[5:41 PM] Vincent: it shuld be broken down…not taken in its entirty
[5:42 PM] Vincent: which i m sure will come up when it is discussed
[5:43 PM] WhaleStreet: Any other suggestions for funding?
If funding is not solved, I don't see any point in discussing the features of the proposal.
[5:44 PM] kinkajou: We don't even know how much we need to raise yet.
[5:44 PM] kinkajou: That would be a helpful first step.
[5:45 PM] kinkajou: Though it is my understanding part of the desire for this funding scheme is the incentive structure
[5:47 PM] Mango Farm: I'm not sure I agree WS. Imagine if the Bitcoin developers waited for a chain fork to pay a bounty out of transaction fees to Lonbrozio, Lau and Wuille before proposing or discussing Segwit. There are complicated issues in play that lots of people will have strong views on (especially miners who are not largely even in here) when it comes to the fee issues. Whereas the functional proposals might be issues everyone would gravitate towards.
[5:47 PM] LSJI07 – BWS: Special NFT sales to fund adding asset tolls as a specific development proposal would be awesome and marketed well could be :fire: . Asset tolls would be a hardfork but not massively contentious for the added functionality and transactions it would bring the network from NFT collectors and supporting the artists would be welcome imo.
[5:49 PM] WhaleStreet: I'm open to being wrong. Discussion is good, I just don't see talented devs falling out of the sky for RVN. :fingers_crossed:
[5:49 PM] kinkajou: Great idea – similar concept to the "ANCIENTS"? Those seem to be a big hit and have always sold well at auction.
[5:50 PM] Vincent: while a good indea, it is to centric… we need to get some juice for outside our little nest; real artist like mango and rikki are entertaining
[5:51 PM] Vincent: i will stick to my position that the tools to increase demand of users is the most important
[5:51 PM] Mango Farm: Totally open to being wrong and agree about discussion. I think it's important to very carefully consider the implications of fee/mining/etc. changes though. Many find the greatest strength of RVN to be an ethos that isn't like the smart contract coin that shifts its issuance schedule every year based on a committee zoom call.
[5:51 PM] kinkajou: The Push Benefit NFT auction surprised all of us to the upside, I think a similar attempt at fundraising for core development would as well.
[5:52 PM] kinkajou: We don't need just one way to raise funds either, multiple different avenues simultaneously could work.
[5:52 PM] Vincent: yes, my problem with the funding proposal is it looks like a committee driven, for profit, centralized 'business'
[5:53 PM] kinkajou: We could gauge interest for this right now by minting some NFT's with IPFS data saying theyre explicitly for this proposal and listing the partials on raventrader
[5:53 PM] kinkajou: see if anyone buys em up for funding
[5:53 PM] Mango Farm: Have to go guys but thanks for another great meeting. I missed the last couple and am glad I made today. Have a good weekend.
[5:54 PM] LSJI07 – BWS: Wifes calling. Calling it a night also! Take care all.
[5:55 PM] kinkajou: Might be a good idea to wrap this one up kralverde ๐บ๐ธ and continue in #development
[5:55 PM] Vincent: :thumbsup:
[5:56 PM] kralverde ๐บ๐ธ: :thumbsup:
submitted by /u/Blockchain_Surfer
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