$420M worth of positions were liquidated and 110k traders got rekt in the last 24h.

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

$420M worth of positions were liquidated and 110k traders got rekt in the last 24h.

$420M worth of positions were liquidated and 110k traders got rekt in the last 24h.

In the last 24 hours, 110,613 traders were liquidated on their positions, which add up to almost $420M.

In the context of cryptocurrencies, forced liquidation happens when the investor or trader is unable to fulfill the margin requirements for a leveraged position.

The biggest single liquidation happened on a BTC trade with a value of $7.26M

$193.41M were liquidated on Bitcoin.

$68M were liquidated on Ethereum.

$38.08M were liquidated on XRP.

The rest were liquidated on various altcoins.

81.15% of the trades were long positions. That means that $340M were liquidated on long positions, and $79M on short positions.

Source: https://www.bybt.com/liquidationdata

Total Liquidations

Symbol Liquidations

submitted by /u/omeri_e
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