What happened to Ravenland.org?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

What happened to Ravenland.org?

It seems that within the past month or so, Ravenland.org now returns a 404 error page. Lots of great stuff over on that project involving RavencoinOS and the IPFS system. Just curious as to what may be happening? Will Ravenland relaunch? is there a way to get a github repository from the devs of ravenland.org containing the RavencoinOS files, and perhaps some README info regarding the IPFS chain like on the bottom of the ravenland.org/os page. If not, does anyone know how I may be able to contact the devs over at ravenland? Sorry for the long winded post, and thanks those that may see this!

submitted by /u/rvnminers_A_and_N
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