How does the Ethereum network handle uncles?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

How does the Ethereum network handle uncles?

Hey all,

I’ve tried asking stuff on /r/ethereumnoobies but it just gets removed—apparently they only one endless YouTube videos being spammed from “crypto influencers”. So I’m gonna try to post it here and hopefully it won’t get deleted before the question gets answered.

So uncles happen fairly regularly and as I understand they are essentially a “fork” in the chain. In the case of “hard forks” the rules change, but in the case of Uncles one block gets included in the chain while the other doesn’t.

  1. How do these uncles get resolved in the Ethereum network?
  2. Is it possible that additional blocks can get mined to the uncle (instead of the parent) block?
  3. If a block (or more) gets mined further to the uncle—what happens to those blocks when the uncle is ‘resolved’?

I hope these questions make sense. Thanks!

submitted by /u/IfByLand
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