In regards to all the hacking that’s happening with Coinbase accounts.

I'm sure everyone has read about all the lawsuits and complaints about Coinbase customers being hacked for everything they have. This is absolutely horrible and I'm sure it's a worst nightmare scenario for everyone reading this, myself included. Unlike a bank account, these transactions are not reversible and there is literally nothing you can do to recoup your crypto. I read one story tonight, where a lady lost 160k in Bitcoin and Eth. I figured I would write this to inform some of the newer investors whom might not realize there are additional steps you can take to secure your Coinbase account and insure this never happens to you. The feature is address whistling, I know many think this feature is a pain, especially those who frequently send crypto to different address, but for those of you that don't, I would definitely enable it on Coinbase. Once enabled, you can only send crypto to addresses you've OKed and it takes 72 hours to add a new address, this stops bad guys from draining your account in seconds. This way, if they try to add an address, you'll be notified and have 72 hours to completely disable and secure your account.
Here's some of the safety features address whistling adds to your account…
There are two hold periods: one for enabling Whitelisting, and one for disabling Whitelisting. This is to add security to your account and to guard against unauthorized activity
When you first enable Whitelisting:
All addresses already saved in your Address Book will be immediately whitelisted
You will have an 8-hour window after first enabling the feature in which you can add new addresses to your Address Book that you can use immediately
During the initial 8-hour window, you can also disable whitelisting instantly
After the initial 8 hour window:
Any new address you want to add to your Address Book must go through a 48-hour hold period for security before it is fully whitelisted and available for withdrawals
To disable Whitelisting:
Switch the toggle to disable whitelisting
There will be a 48-hour hold period before Whitelisting is disabled in which Whitelisting is still enabled
Important Note: The 48-hour hold period only applies to address use and does not apply to your cryptocurrency. You can still buy, sell, or withdraw fiat to addresses already whitelisted.
submitted by /u/Wishy_washy_Though
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