Cooling schema for a mining rig

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Cooling schema for a mining rig

Cooling schema for a mining rig


I'm building a starting "rig" just to experiment with mining. I will use a 3080 LHR, but as i'm mining RVN that should not impact me. If everything goes fine i will scale up, if not, my son will be more than happy to upgrade his RTX 2060 for his gaming PC, so fine.

Anyway, as by now i'm using only 1 card, i plan to reuse a Zalman Z11 case (i attach pictures). I have removed everything to make it as open as possible. My question is about the cooling schema. I have space for 2 additional fans (in dotted lines in the attached picture). My doubt is about the pulling / pushing model. In the first picture I've drawn what i would have for a normal gaming case (blue arrows intake, red ones out) but i wander if I should put most of the fans in intake mode (last picture), as the position of the case will be horizontal with all open, as in the picture, so taking out the heat shouldn't be a problem.

Thanks in advance.

Reused case

Standard cooling schema for a gaming case

Proposed cooling schema for minig rig

submitted by /u/Peb3ls
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