Why making money is so difficult without having money to invest.

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Why making money is so difficult without having money to invest.

Why making money is so difficult without having money to invest.

Even good decisions have little return. If I was "ten time wealthier" this measly $17 profit (DOT) could be $170, and buy me a month's worth of food. I am only hoping that I will not be too late when I finally find a decent job somewhere.

I was not able to post an image-only post so I reposted here.

What do you think- a year from now, will similar gains still be possible in the crypto space, or do you think it will even out and stabilize? As someone coming out of school who has devoted a lot of their life to volunteer work- I'm hoping that it won't be too late to still invest and realize some significant gains when I finally begin to focus on my welfare.

edit- thanks all for your enthusiasm. I have a small bag of ALGO and YLDY that is staked and I will keep adding to it so that as well as DCA into other promising lower-risk projects. 2030!!

edit2- dang, this community is amazing. woke up to even more replies. Thank you, everyone!!

submitted by /u/CryptoHeron
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