In 24h Stellar (XLM) users have Paid $75 in Fees for All Transactions combined, which is 0,0000048% of What Ethereum Users Paid

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

In 24h Stellar (XLM) users have Paid $75 in Fees for All Transactions combined, which is 0,0000048% of What Ethereum Users Paid

XLM users have paid 0,0000048% ($75) of what Ethereum users paid ($15,464,170.35) for all their transactions in 24H.

XLM users have paid 0,00009% of what Bitcoin users paid in 24H.

(Dont get me wrong, ETH and BTC are still great projects and have their own strenghts)

At the same time XLM does more transactions than both of them. If you need to move funds, XLM is the way to go and does not get enough attention from this subreddit for also having smart contracts and NFTs

submitted by /u/tfproblem
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