Ever feel like you’re becoming “that guy”…?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Ever feel like you’re becoming “that guy”…?

Well, it has finally happened to me.

Was having a few drinks with some friends last night, the topic gradually got towards finance, and as soon as I started mentioning crypto all I got in return was a not again with this shit dude, we’ve heard it enough.

As the night went on, we went off to a party, joined some other friends. Saw some acquaintances there, greeted me with “ahh, here he is, mr crypto guy” as they laughed, sarcastically.

Off to breakfast this morning, somewhat hungover, reading the news and mention something about Bitcoin to my mum – “Madooo, ora basta con sto Bitcoin, non a colazione cazzo” is her response (which is Italian mum for “stop breaking my dick with Bitcoin”).

Then it hit me. I’ve officially become that fucking guy.

What do I do now my guys?

submitted by /u/cheeseburger_daddy
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