The Beginning

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

The Beginning

Hello, i am kinda new to mining and especially Ravencoin so i wanted to know your thoughts.First off, i will tell you that i missed a chance in 2010 :)) i had 1k$ to invest in a miner needed another 4k$ to make it profitable at that time, were not able to convince the "bakers", gave up did not invest a dime, 10 years later was asked by the "bakers" (my parents) if i knew about bitcoin. In 2013-2014 i wanted to try again but the same hop, the money needed to invest.When ETH came out, i was not even willing to think about it so i didnt even bother. Up till when in the early 2021 my good friend bought a 3080 and started mining and i was yet again intrigued. The dilema starded, we are during a covid pandemic, i own a business that is doing well and stable, but not enough to afford like it was nothing a 3080 nor to afford to break my 2060, but mostly due to lack of cards on the market at that time. I decided to mine here and there ETH, to see if it can be withdrawn and convinced myself that it can be done with a bit of effort.Then everything went down with the proof of stake and got demoralized again, up till 10 days ago.I was during a week of summer break laid on a chair in front of the sea, my wife was with my friends in the water, and i was doing "research".So, i found out about Ravencoin and the community and i was yet again intrigued.This time around i am serious and i want to farm :))

I started mining on a single card 3 days ago, a 2060 rev 2.0 by Gigabyte and i was amazed of the results, getting me a stable 17.8-18.2 mh/s on 2miners 65*C 160W.

Now some concerns came out pretty fast and i need your help in this so ill put em down with numbers:

  1. Mining speed shown on T-rex vs Mining speed shown on wich one to take into account? – There is a small concern, and since i made some modifications in the past 2 days to my gaming rig that is now a testing rig i am not quite sure wich nrs are corect. The fluctuation might be due to the ocasional 1 hour of mentainance, but the first day i had a medium of 17 RVN per day yesterday 20 RVN today 16.7 RVN.
  2. Why there is no one talking over the internet about the usage of 2060 for Ravencoin? Ive seen many settings for other cards and even if the Wattage is lower imo this card is quite ok. In my defense, rx 480 and rx 580 are way too expensive SH in my country, around 550-600$ and i found 3x 2060 rev 2.0 for 580$ new with warranty.
  3. Do you think in the short amount of time left till the halving will i be able to get a return on my investment? 2200$ for 72-75mh/s with a rogh calculation i would need 7 months so 9 total.
  4. Should i keep using windows or should i give a try to HiveOS?

Thank you in advance and i apologize for my bad English and very long post! xD

submitted by /u/Fit_Horse_9266
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