People who believe that Eth 2.0 will solve the high fees need to watch this talk by Vitalik Buterin

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

People who believe that Eth 2.0 will solve the high fees need to watch this talk by Vitalik Buterin

Some people thought EIP-1559 would lower the fees. Some people think the merge to proof of stake will lower the fees. Many people in this sub think that sharding will lower the fees on layer 1.

The truth is that Ethereum's scalability solution is rollups and sharding will only provide more data for rollups so it will make rollups faster but not layer 1 Ethereum.

Vitalik Buterin talked about this last year. He explained the scalability roadmap in detail and as far as I know this plan hasn't really changed since then (please correct me if I'm wrong).

Here's the link to Vitalik's talk:

submitted by /u/llort_lemmort
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