If you have fewer than 10moons, I’ll tip you one!

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

If you have fewer than 10moons, I’ll tip you one!

Hi everyone! I joined this sub a while ago and was tipped a moon by a kind user on this sub. I earned some moons and I'd like to donate them to new users, or users with fewer than 10moons.

I know moons are going up in value, and i hope the donations can help the moon farmers who really need it! Especially the ones in third world countries, or anyone who really needs it.

Also, i don't have that many moons, so i might run out quick lmao

Come say hi newbies! Hope this isnt against the rules of the sub!

Edit; I think I'll run out moons before i get everyone. Im sorry if you didnt get one. Im getting those who commented earlier.

submitted by /u/iftttTestAcct
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