Polaris Card Help

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Polaris Card Help

Polaris Card Help

Hi All, I just started mining Ravencoin and bought 2 rx 470 4gb and 1 rx 580 4gb. As the picture shows I'm only getting between 7-10 MH per card. I thought these cards would pull at least 11-12 MH. I've tried the one click PolarisBiosEditor for two of my cards and neither have had a noticeable uptick in hashrate. Are these cards just really reliant on having the perfect OC settings? Should I be getting some fancy bios from somewhere? Did I just lose the silicon lottery? Perhaps my really old motherboard running a core 2 duo has something to do with it? Any tips or information to help out a new miner would be much appreciated. Thanks.


submitted by /u/DynaPoint
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