USA customer staking Eth on Kraken…

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

USA customer staking Eth on Kraken…

So I'm staking my Eth on Kraken and I'm from the US. Apparently I just found out you cannot trade Eth2.0 as a US or Canadian customer inside of Kraken. Well…. my coins are now Eth2.S right? And they are locked until 2.0 comes out, then they convert to 2.0 once that comes out. When Kraken says trading 2.0 is not allowed for US/Canada, am I going to have a problem withdrawing/unstaking once 2.0 is released?? I'm not following what they mean by saying we can't trade…. but we can stake… ? I'm dumb, but ELI5 please.

submitted by /u/_Soup_R_Man_
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