Ravennode killed

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Ravennode killed


I have an issue here in Budapest. I habe 64Gb in the Pi and on the first two days everything was fine with my raven node but then…it was an Internet connection problem in the house and it was solved in a half an hour. Well after that if I start the node with revend & in about 30 minutes as I observed in the "top" the memory started to go up up and up till 100% and at this point the Pi killed my process.

I tried to set the maximum connections to 40 and 20 but it did not help. The process was killed after 10minutes. How big of a memory do I need to use or can I limit the usage of the process so it keeps the process alive? :/

Is there a quick way to solve this issue or do I have to reinstall the pi and the raven node to fix this?

submitted by /u/Smart-Suggestion1610
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