Should I sell bitcoin and just go all in ethereum?

- I have like $37.5k invested total in bitcoin, and after the crash, I only have $10.8k gains. If I sold at $65k, I'd have $100k right now in cash.
- I basically bought a whole coin at around $10k, held since, gained a lot, bought more to have .5 more buying on the way up from $35-60k. My new stack got cut in half. So basically it equalized and what would have been $100k if we kept going up is now around $50k.
- I'm down a lot right now from my new stack. Should I just hodl, or sell expecting it to dip to $27k and to buy back in and have more bitcoin? Or could bitcoin surprise us, break the resistance line, go past $32.8k? Seems like $30k has been support since February.
- If I sold my btc at $48,558, and bought back in at $27k, I could have .2 more btc. If I bought back in at $25, I could have 2 whole coins. Idk what to dooo. I don't wanna hold and then be even more negative, and I'm scared if I sell, it could go back up.
- I don't wanna sell, and then wake up to find bitcoin is going back up and I end up with less bitcoin, and less fiat.
- If I sold, I wouldn't have to pay big capital gains tax (my salary is $89k) either right since my gains has came down to 10.5k instead of selling at $65k with those gains?
- What could happen to bitcoin at the end of the month, some people are thinking $27k, because of the resistance and support lines meeting (descending wedge).. or we can hope and hope tons of buying volume to break resistance back to a bull run. Help me, I'm noob, I only realized all this today. I'm very scared and about to cry.
- Should I just sell all bitcoin, and then buy ethereum instead? I could have more gains right?
submitted by /u/wuzzgucci
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