If you have more than 6.17k Moons you’re in the top 1% of holders.
This is an update to This post I made last month when the top 1% was at 6.8k The holders tab on the Etherscan page shows the balances for every Moon address. Its been almost a week since the Moons were distributed so enough time for people to claim them. Here are the stats
Histogram of holders grouped by balances36,001 addresses hold less than 10 Moons This graphs includes the total Moons for each group in the histogram aboveThe top 5 addresses are as follows:
So for 'regular' users the 1k to 10k gang have the combined highest. Assuming all the Moons are earned and they all voted for the same option, it would take the bottom 74,304 out of 77,553 users to pass a governance poll threshold of 6,801,161 Moons. That's 95.8% Or Again with the same assumptions and not including the top 5 addresses, it would take the next top 18 users to pass a governance poll threshold of 6,801,161 Moons This is how things have changed since the last roundAnd if you're a real nerd like me here's the descriptive stats from ExcelComment with your exact balance and I'll tell you where you are in the list if you're bothered. Thank you for attending my Ted talk submitted by /u/IHaventEvenGotADog |