Anyone else regret buying the dip too soon?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Anyone else regret buying the dip too soon?

So…saw the dip and thought " Cool, I can stack up at some great prices" …grabbed ETH at $ 2080 along with ALGO at .81. Then the dip….dipped. Used my available disposable income and watched helplessly as the prices dropped even more. When ETH dropped below $ 1900 all I could do was stare and salivate.

Anyone else buy too soon…or is it just me?

Update; I see lots of comments about DCA. Just for the record, I don't " buy all in" on any currency. I make small purchases each week based on my bills and what I can afford. This post wasn't about making a huge purchase on the dip…but how difficult it is to " time the bottom".

submitted by /u/Apprehensive-Bus1610
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