Was Moon Week a success? I collected all the governance poll data and took a look.
I bet you all think that me and my spreadsheets take a rest when there's no new Moon data to look at? Well guess again, I've been furiously collecting data on governance polls to see if Moon week made any difference to vote participation. Spoiler: It did, it increased it a shit ton —————————————————————————————————————————————————– I should probably start off with something that I see a lot of people confused about:
Moon Week was implemented in round 15. One of the reasons for it was to help improve voter participation in the governance polls. So did it work? Lets take a look at the data.Some points of clarification first:
Here's the dataRounds 1-6(No polls in round 3) As I stated above, these thresholds are whack, so ignore them. Rounds 7,8,9Rounds 10, 11, 12Rounds 13, 14, 15Then I had to figure out how to compare the data. Over time the number of users voting has increased, as has the amount of Moons that users have each round. Its impossible to tell which users have voted in which polls, a single poll or all the polls. So I made a column showing "% of user votes on .CSV with vault". This is the one we are most interested in. I know what this means to me, but its difficult to convey. This is the number of user votes, divided by the number of users with vaults on that rounds Moon distribution .csv So I took the average % for each round and plotted it. Moon week was implemented for round 15, this is how it has affected poll participation. Through the frikkin roof. So what else does all this data tell us?If we take a look at all the passed proposals from the data above. From round 7 onwards. To get a poll to pass you roughly need:
Now lets take a look at the polls that nearly passed, but fell short of the threshold: All these polls got 1 option to >80% of the threshold. All but two of them got less than 80% of the Moons for one option and only one got over 21% of the users voting from that rounds karma .csv So close but yet so far. In conclusionMoon week is a great success. Thanks to the Mods for implementing it and maintaining the posts over the week. Also thanks to us users for voting it in. Its likely that if some of the polls I've listed that almost passed were run again with the benefit of Moon week then they have a much better chance of passing. Some of them have been ruled out by admin though, such as hiding balances and reducing the membership Moon price. There is plenty of talk about those things in the meta sub. Also, the OP of the gif karma reducing poll said he won't post it again, so no backsies. (This has already seen the benefit of Moon week though) *Disclaimer:
TL;DR Moon Week good, poll participation is up and I fucking love spreadsheets. submitted by /u/IHaventEvenGotADog |