The FUD from the FED about how we won’t need crypto’s after they create their own digital dollar is downright hilarious

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

The FUD from the FED about how we won’t need crypto’s after they create their own digital dollar is downright hilarious

Imagine if the circulating Bitcoin supply tripled over the course of a month? Imagine if Satoshi just 'printed' ten billion Bitcoin out of thin air and distributed to everyone as 'stimulus'. Imagine if the FED created billions of BTC out of thin air and gave it away to big banks who fucked over the American public? Now imagine those banks ended up giving most of their bitcoins to CEO's who then become whales from the governments money?

These are all the reasons as to why a government based Crypto is un-fucking-believeably stupid. Jerome Powell saying what he said only validates the need for real crypto even further.

submitted by /u/Ragefan66
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