Help other users opening their Reddit Moons Vault

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Help other users opening their Reddit Moons Vault

When you see a comment on this sub, and the author doesn’t have a Reddit Vault (There’s no Moons amount near his name, not even 0), guide him to open Reddit Vault.

Most of these people are new and are not familiar with Moons. Just send them this link :


You can buy premium membership, vote on governance polls, tip other users and soon buy ads space. You can trade Moons on Honeyswap.

You can buy Moons on easily for BUSD in seconds

They are not on Mainnet yet so that’s why you didn’t hear about them. Once on Mainnet you will see then on big exchanges like Binance Coinbase Kraken.

submitted by /u/mellon98
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