Spreading the Ravencoin word

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Spreading the Ravencoin word

Spreading the Ravencoin word

Hello everyone, I hope you're doing good!

I wanted to help spread the word of Ravencoin, doing this using stickers! 500 to be exact!



I've created a QR code that directs the user to a link tree, which displays the Ravencoin website, Instagram, and Wikipedia. In hindsight, I would have changed the design of the sticker, but there wasn't much option for me to choose from unless I paid a premium.

Because I have the luxury of traveling, I thought this would be a good/alternative way to marketing Ravencoin. First stop, Netherlands, California, and Las Vegas.

If you have any suggestions for what could be added to the link tree/the sticker itself, I would love to hear your thoughts!

submitted by /u/TheDevilAcademy
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