I’ve been given a chance to do a presentation on cryptocurrencies at my workplace to everyone, what should I cover?

I've been given the opportunity to talk about cryptocurrencies at my worksplace infront of about 50+ people (will happen online). I've got an hour. I've got free reign to cover whatever.
What would you cover, given this chance?
So far what I thought to cover:
- What is Bitcoin, ethereum and another coin maybe Monero
- What the media says about bitcoin(some negative stories and quotes) vs what is real/true.
- The potential cryptocurrencies have for changing poverty in poor countries like in Africa.
- What are NFT's and why are some of them actually worth something.
- What is Defi?
- Quick intro to what smart contracts are
- Some scams from the cryptocurrency world and how to not get scammed.
- How to shops/stall owners can start accepting cryptocurrency as payment
- How to integrate cryptocurrency into eccomerce site/s perhaps use woocommerce as example.
- How to get some cryptocurrency/earn some
Open to any ideas.
Thanks for your input.
Btw thanks everyone for all the ideas. Really got some good ideas to work with and a good idea what not to talk about. Gonna try limit my talk basically just to blockchain basics. Might cover some small aspects of bitcoin and ethereum and will have a big disclaimer saying this is not financial advice.
submitted by /u/netscape101
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