Idea: Replacing in game coins with Crypto and in game items with NFT’s

I was thinking about all the money wasted on stupid stuff in games over the years. It an absurd number when I think about it, I have given over €3000 on LoL over the years and that is just one game out of many. I started thinking how could an in game item that is actually worthless after paying get actual value and I came up with this idea.
Imagine that things like V-bucks from Fortnite, COD points, RP from LoL and many more had a real value? It wouldn't really be just throwing money away anymore, it would be like owning a coin on an exchange. I see great benefits with in game coins having actual value and being on the blockchain. For instance, after buying an in game item, any left over coins don't really have to be useless anymore, they could be transferred over to an exchange or used for trading. Those same In game items that you buy, could become NFT's that have a real value and could be traded from player to player for coins that could be sold on an exchange. Now that is what I think NFT's should be about, not selling Doge pictures for millions. Imagine buying a mystery skin and seeing it bid for $1000. What an awesome way to play, have fun and earn money at the same time. I can imagine a new game coming out and having exclusive in game items available only for early players. After some time, that new game gets a big player base and as time goes on, new items come out, but those that are holding the starting limited in game items can sell them for an absurd amount of money suddenly.
I really think that this should be the future of games and in game items! What better use for "virtual coins" than virtual games? Companies are making way too much money from people that enjoy their games and sincerely love those in game items without giving a possibility for those same players to also earn as well from stuff that they buy and trade in game. After all, those very players invested their hard earned money in something very similar to Crypto, but have that massive difference of not being able to sell those items and coins.
If only if one of the biggest game studios could develop this and integrate it to a very big game like COD, Battlefield, Fortnite, LoL, Dota, FIFA, Rocket League and so on, we could potentially see a revolution to gaming and virtual goods as a whole. It would take off more than a crypto project on it's own because of the massive player base and familiarity with games.
Thanks for reading this, hope that you like this Idea and I really hope that we could somehow push this so hard that it really get's implemented. Feel free to let me know what you think!
submitted by /u/Arsa3108
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