Encouraging Ravencoin Community to join/support BitBoy Crypto’s New Reddit Channel

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Encouraging Ravencoin Community to join/support BitBoy Crypto’s New Reddit Channel

BitBoy Crypto has 1.1 million subscribers on YouTube and is one of the largest Crypto channels on YouTube right now. His YouTube channel is turning more into a major Crypto news outlet. He recently setup a Reddit channel that he's just now starting to promote with only 1.8k members so far. I wanted to encourage Ravencoin members to go join his community as well and be represented in the discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/BitBoyCrypto

I've been posting about Ravencoin on his channel so all new subscribers see it. Things I would like to see:

-BitBoy Crypto create a new Ravencoin video (his last Ravencoin video was 3 years ago)

-BitBoy Crypto interview Tron Black

-BitBoy Crypto bring on a panel of Crypto Mining YouTubers and do a panel discussion with them on the topic of EIP 1559 and ETH 2.0. Bits Be Trippin, Red Panda Mining, Son of A Tech would be some great guests.

These are the Ravencoin posts I create over there:



This is the last Ravencoin video Bitboy Crypto did 3 years ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/BitBoyCrypto/comments/o7soat/what_is_ravencoin_an_honest_look_at_rvn_altcoin/

submitted by /u/ChiefofStonks
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