After careful skimming of hundreds of comments, I have concluded that we are entering a bullbear market

I have done the unthinkable, and am now employing a new strategy that looks past all technical and fundamental analysis, DYOR, use cases and market analysis to exclusively tunnel vision on my feels and normal price fluctuations.
I have carefully skimmed hundreds or possibly tens of reddit comments to aggregate the consensus of the average reddit user’s emotions into my conclusion: that we are both simultaneously in a bull market and a bear market.
It is obvious really. When the price goes up by 2%, we are in a bull market. Did China crack down on cryptocurrency again? Good, we don’t want too much mass adoption.
Of course, we are also in a bear market as Bitcoin stagnates at the same time. Tomorrow it may even go up or down. You know what they say, pray in May it will go both ways.
I hope this was unhelpful to most of you. This analysis brought to you by enlightened crypto centrism.
submitted by /u/Rydersilver
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