We should not forget Cryptocurrency is not just about making money, it’s about replacing money.

Diversity creates resilience.
”There is but one solution to the intricate riddle of life; to improve ourselves, and contribute to the happiness of others.” Mary Shelley
Maybe the adoption of the permissionless Blockchain; Cryptocurrencies, Smart contracts, Decentralised finances (Defi), Decentralised Autonomous organisations (DAO), will help alleviate some of societies failings?
The one resource in the world that’s absolutely not scarce at all is smart, creative, people with ideas we’d never have thought of. Which is then compounded with the anxious panic of modern life creating the permanent need to earn money, depriving us of security and meaningful experiences not occupied to earning more money.
The problem is a majority of people spend most of their lives being told to shut up, and get back to bullshit jobs just to maintain order and control.
On both the Left and the Right, there is a growing consensus that the elites are inept, corrupt and nepotistic, and use ruthless market forces, political lobbying and media campaigns to enrich themselves and immiserate everyone else.
$olutions are out there
Perhaps the financial, and by definition social, underpinnings of our society could be replaced with something else, something decentralised, permission less and immutable.
The Blockchain is that disruptive technology with the potential to break the cycles of systematic political corruption and financial extraction.
Which would mean we would have the time and space to create a meaningful sense of an authentic self and concentrate on living in a community where we are allowed to pursue our own projects, friendships and loves without interference.
It’s less about getting personally wealthy and more about making everyone wealthier.
All the best, stay strong and good luck.
EDIT – The way in which the world is imagined determines at any particular moment what men will do. It does not determine what they will achieve. It determines their effort, their feelings, their hopes, not their accomplishments and results. Walter Lippmann ‘Public Opinion’
submitted by /u/spritecut
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