“Don’t invest money you can’t afford to lose” doesn’t mean losses don’t suck

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

“Don’t invest money you can’t afford to lose” doesn’t mean losses don’t suck

This overly patronizing and misused adage is being tossed around, as a coping mechanism, a lot lately.

It is simply suppose to mean, don't invest your rent money because you can lose it.

But people are trying to stretch it to mean only invest money you don't care about at all, that losses should have no effect, and if it does have an affect it wasn't "money you could afford to lose"

This is horseshit. There is a huge difference between being able to afford to lose the money and wanting to lose money. Nobody wants to lose money.

To toss this around, in my opinion is not only not helpful, it is condescending and patronizing. Save this for the post that says "whelp, now I can't pay my mortgage…" because that person really did fuck up. for everybody else, chill. Being down money sucks for everybody and there isn't a lot of ways to make it less sucky.

submitted by /u/nevetando
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