Switched to Hive OS and wow, just wow

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Switched to Hive OS and wow, just wow

I was having trouble with windows crashing every 24 hours or so and couldn’t really find a hardware prob so I thought i’d try Hive. Wow, just amazingly better.

  1. Boots and runs from a $4 thumbdrive. I can put my 250gb ssd in my computer and dl a whole game or two.
  2. Can configure and check status from chrome, even from my phone when I’m out.
  3. Settings just work. If I want fans at 82%, fans are at 82%. None of this cross your fingers business I get with MSI Afterburner or ASUS GPU tweak.
  4. No turning off Updates and Anti-Virus in Windows, no hard-drive and cpu kicking like a mule up and down to 100% with 10,000 background processes.
  5. Clearly a better hash with same power levels and temps. At least 10% more coins

It’s a total game-changer. I’ll never go back to Windows 10 for mining.

submitted by /u/palerider__
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