What’s the best way to leave my Uniswap and BSC portfolio to my family?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

What’s the best way to leave my Uniswap and BSC portfolio to my family?

I am terminally ill and will probably not be here anymore before the market recovers. This is very sudden and my family do not know about this. Unless a miracle happens, I could be gone this week. My portfolio is mostly coins bought on Uniswap and PCS so my family won't have a clue on how and when to cash out. Converting right now is not something I want to do because I believe the coins will be worth a lot more in the future. Is there anything I can do in this situation? Simply giving them my ledger won't work because it takes digging through etherscan to even know the full extent of this portfolio.

What are my options?

Edit for some more detail: since I still have a student debt and it's for my mom, leaving a will would not help her. The government would liquidate it. Also, most coins are memecoins that I bought before the market crash while overall market sentiment was peaking. This was life changing money at that point but I was an idiot and neglected to cash out.

submitted by /u/biepboep
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