The Interplanetary Camera

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

The Interplanetary Camera


We are launching the Interplanetary Camera project and token very soon! We want to have more people involved as our ultimate goal is to fully decentralize the project, we welcome anyone looking to learn more about development, investors, entrepreneurs, and anyone who might be interested!

The TLDR; The interplanetary camera allows you to easily snap real life into an NFT. Over time, we will be creating an immutable record of history! We have received a few Sponsorships from POAP, Protocol Labs, and ENS. We about to go from POC to production app very soon. Learn more about our roadmap here:

If you want to learn more about the motivation for The Interplanetary Camera:

You can also try out the app here: (Use Rinkeby testnet)

If you want to talk directly to the team, Join the discord:

submitted by /u/Competitive_Push_52
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