[MARKETING] Ravencoin Instagram

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

[MARKETING] Ravencoin Instagram

[MARKETING] Ravencoin Instagram

Hello everyone, firstly I hope everyone is good and healthy.

I have been lurking on this subreddit for a little bit and keep seeing mention of "Marketing" or "dEvS NeEd tO mArKeT", usually the latter. As this project is open-source I need other Raven's feedback and help on my little project:

What are you talking about?

I've created an Instagram account with the intention of growing the wider Raven community by giving information about the Ravencoin project through photos, interactive photos, and videos (if enough help from you guys!). The previously mentioned content will be summarized/simplified information directly from the whitepaper, devs, code, etc. This would allow inexperienced crypto/ravencoin users a "safe haven" where they can learn about the project, creating a reference place for understanding that can be revisited at any time or suggested by others users as an "information point".

I've left sample pictures attached below.

How can I help?

I currently don't need help in regards to managing the Instagram account as the intention is not to post heavily on it (to not clutter information). However, if you would like to supply content such as videos or other pictures (that line up with the theme) regarding Ravencoin, that would be amazing.

In addition, any suggestions or critiques you have are always welcome and encouraged, as I will try my best to ensure it's as inclusive as possible. Or you can simply spread the word to friends and family about this account, that helps tremendously.

(Note: The Instagram is not officially launched yet as I'm still creating posts in advance, however, you can still go show it some love and spread the word "@official.ravencoin")

TL:DR – Creating Ravencoin "official" Instagram account with simple/summarized pictures that serves as a place to gather information on the Ravencoin project for inexperienced Ravencoin users (or even experienced ones).

More appropriate title: "Adoption of Ravencoin Instagram"




submitted by /u/TheDevilAcademy
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