Unpopular opinion: I want billionaires to tweet-attack BTC

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Unpopular opinion: I want billionaires to tweet-attack BTC

Andreas Antonopoulos once did a presentation likening Bitcoin to a sewer rat, and centralised currencies as "Bubble Boy"  

What did he mean by that?  

For those of you unfamiliar with the presentation, I'll explain briefly. It's vitally important to understand this if you are invested in crypto, it has shaped all of my investment decisions in the space and should influence yours, too.


'Bubble boy' was a boy who lacked an effective immune system, he lived his entire life inside of a bubble to avoid getting sick. Many networks or cryptocurrencies operate in a secured or permissioned way, think of intranets, secured networks, permissioned coins. They are just like the bubble boy, they have security because they exist inside of a bubble, never exposed to threats. But as soon as something gets inside of that bubble, they are highly exposed and vulnerable. It's the same reason many people say that you should let your kids play in the dirt sometimes, it helps them build a strong immune system.

Perhaps you can see where this is going already….


So then we have Bitcoin, the sewer rat. Bitcoin doesn't live inside of a bubble. It rolls around in the dirt. It gets into fights. It lives and thrives in a world that is actively trying to kill it. If you take a sewer rat and treat it like a pet, feed it only the best organic foods and pamper it with fresh bedding every day and give him little ratty baths for instagram and twitter posts for the first year of his life, sure, he will thrive in that cage, but what do you think will happen when one day he escapes to the sewers, where he longs to be? He has never been exposed to the things down there, and he will get sick. His health will drop, dramatically. The healthier he was before, the sicker he will get down there.

  Same goes for Bitcoin. If Bitcoin grows in an adverserial environment, it will grow immune to those things over time.

  If it grows as a result of billionaires being kind to it, all it takes is a tweet to make it crash again, perhaps setting its immune systems development by years.  

Yes, in the short term, billionaires are good for BTCs price.   In the long run though, we want them to attack BTC. Please, do! Give this sewer rat its sewer. It will only make BTC stronger.     ~Credit to Andreas Antonopoulos


submitted by /u/dynamicallysteadfast
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