ETH stalking, worth it for the small guy?

Is it worth staking if you have like 0.5 ETH? I understand that you can use a pool to stalk if you don’t have 32 ETH. Coinbase says that you will get 6% APR on your ETH which is great for people who have like 10+ ETH because getting 0.6+ ETH per year doing nothing is great. But when you get to 0.1 to 5 ETH is it not worth just to keep mining? Yeah people can keep the mining pools open and still collect that 1% from everyone that is using it and also stalk on the side. Unless I am missing something why would mining ETH be dead when 2.0 rolls around? From what I understand stalking will also be taxed. You have your ETH frozen for 1 year. Every article mentions of a possibility of loosing ETH if something goes wrong. I am just trying to understand more about the subject, I am in no way very knowledgeable about the whole ETH transition to 2.0 and the concept of stalking. I am turning to you for some answers so people like me can understand better the situation. Thanks!
submitted by /u/Kilv3r
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