Is it possible for me to recover these lost tokens? Please help!

About two years ago I had around 500k Plian staked to a node on their network. My computer started having a breakdown and I sent the private key to myself and factory reset the computer. I then realized that this private key did not correspond to the address that had my tokens, and figured it must have been linked to a separate wallet (there were 3 distinct accounts in each wallet which provided different functions at that time). I have recently been learning solidity and found out that these addresses could have been linked to one wallet. Are these accounts randomly generated or could I generate two accounts on metamask and access the tokens? I guess I'm asking whether there is a connection between these accounts that would be maintained even if I were to create new accounts for the address in metamask. It will take a significant amount of effort to recover the key itself, so I am trying to figure this out beforehand.
Thanks so much for reading and for your insight.
submitted by /u/xTremeSwag
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