I’d like to thank you all for your harsh words – You were right, and I was wrong.

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

I’d like to thank you all for your harsh words – You were right, and I was wrong.

I'm an old guy (think SS age) and I recently made a post about starting a crypto group with some teachers where I work after they showed interest. I approached it wrong, and you guys set me straight with blunt but fair comments. I'm not that tech savvy, but I can learn, and I have been in crypto since about 2017 thanks to a BTC tip on ChangeTip. When ChangeTip was shutting down, I decided rather than lose the $5 in BTC, I'd make a coinbase account. This led to buying more BTC, ETH at $12!, and a pile of alts. I sold some and even paid off my house. I love the technology and the ideas that spring from crypto. I assumed other people would too, but they really don't The point was really driven home when one of the teachers said to me, "I just need to make a bunch of money"
In my class I have a rule. If a student and I are having a discussion, and one proves the other wrong (for example, If I ever said the Lions would win the Superb Bowl EDIT *Super Bowl) I would have to stand in front of the class and say, "Student A, you were right, and I was wrong."
So, r/CryptoCurrency, I'll say it: You were right, and I was wrong. Thanks. Advice taken.
On another note, how would you respond to people who are genuinely interested in crypto, not just dreaming of riches? Thanks

submitted by /u/POCKALEELEE
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