You absolutely need to be doing a 401k or IRA as well as investing in crypto

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

You absolutely need to be doing a 401k or IRA as well as investing in crypto

The recent rash of anti traditional retirement vehicles is absolutely astounding, short sided, and stupid. Some of you are going to get absolutely wrecked financially because you are all in on crypto and don't know what you are doing.

401ks and IRAs offer fantastic tax advantages that straight investing does not. Also if you have an employer who matches you are leaving money on the table by not taking advantage of that. It's foolish. Crytpo is great and should definitely be in your portfolio but it should not be your whole portfolio.

I realize this is going to be hugely unpopular here but maybe someone will get it. Take advantage of the tax advantage retirement accounts set up by your govt.

submitted by /u/ExorIMADreamer
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