Would this be a smart play?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Would this be a smart play?

First, my user name is from my favorite racehorse in the 80s. I’ve been in Reddit a long time and it has nothing to do with cryptocurrency, as I’ve been asked.

In February I bought $30k worth of coins. $10k in BTC, $10k in ETH and a mix of ADA, LINK, MATIC, and DOT with the rest. I put it in a wallet, have the passcode in a safety deposit box, and my plan is this. My son is in 8th grade. I would like to hand him the wallet keys on his college graduation day, and whatever is in it, belongs to him. I’m not sure what the market will look like in 8-10 years but I’m hoping it’s a good egg for him to have to start his life.

Is the hodl plan sound or should I be playing the dance actively the next decade?

I enjoy so much of your insights, I love reading all your own personal journeys.

submitted by /u/Cryptoclearance
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