Went camping and completely missed the latest crash and hysteria

As the title says, I took a week long trip and went camping in a rural area and did not have a stable internet connection. Before leaving, all my coins were in the green and had no reason to think that would change.
Upon my return to civilization I check again and all my coins are pretty much at the same value they were before my trip. I start browsing the web and this subreddit and to my surprise there was a crash during my absence. Turns out at one point my porfolio was 50% down. Many people who were on the same situation decided to liquidate their porfolio and sell at a loss due to panic. I can only imagine the panic that people who have significant amounts of money on crypto felt.
I started wondering, if I had been aware of this crash and seen my porfolio down by that much, would I have HODLED? Or would I have sold?
That's when the idea hit me. If you are truly in this game for the long run and are planning on HODLING for years, there is really no need to be aware of the price of your coins all the time. Take a break. Check only once in a while. Go camping and forget about it. Being unaware of dips is the best way to HODL.
submitted by /u/jmilla360
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