Is Crypto taking everything from you?

By everything, I do not mean money, I mean your time. Do you check the crypto market immediately when wake up? Do you check the crypto market when you are taking a dump? Do you check the crypto market during dinner with your loved ones? Do you check the crypto market before and after getting laid?
If you do, then either you are a day trader or someone who has been consumed by the almighty crypto. This was me a few days ago. I lost sleep, got into arguments with my family and wife, could not concentrate at work and lost the ability to be at peace. After some long contemplation, I realized that I should reevaluate my goals. I told myself that I am in for the long game not the short. Thus, constantly checking it would not benefit me at all. I kept telling myself to clam down and spend more time with my loved ones and by myself, alone, to rest my mind and soul. Slowly and steadily, I am getting much better. I don't constantly check my cryptos and when it goes down, I am not affected by it, cause as I said earlier I am in for the long haul.
What I am trying to say is, crypto is fun and I absolutely love it. However, don't let it consume you as it did to me.
Enjoy your present and look forward to your future my friends.
TLDR: Leave time for yourself, don’t let crypto consume you!
submitted by /u/Accomplished-Design7
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