Explain it to me like I’m a dummy. If I want to stake 32 ETH in order to run a Node independently from a computer at home, how would I go about this?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Explain it to me like I’m a dummy. If I want to stake 32 ETH in order to run a Node independently from a computer at home, how would I go about this?

As it’s a new concept and rapidly developing technology, I haven’t yet seen a detailed explanation on how to do this.

Currently I could afford the 32 ETH and I like the idea of running a node because it’s such a long term commitment.

What would I need to buy, download etc? What kind of internet speeds would I require to do it. How much memory?

I realise running it by myself doesn’t give me a big advantage over using a pool but I feel like this is utilising ETH 2.0 in its purest form to run a node by yourself. A feeling of satisfaction which you wouldn’t get otherwise.

Thanks in advance for your help! I know quite a bit about the technology potentials but still have so much to learn. Thanks.

submitted by /u/Delam2
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