Need help setting up mining (2070S, windows 10)

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Need help setting up mining (2070S, windows 10)

Need help setting up mining (2070S, windows 10)

So I'm already mining ETH and XMR, but I'd like to get my 2070S mining RVN alongside. I've tried t-rex miner and kawpow miner, having problems with both.

t-rex miner's config file is-@ echo off:startt-rex -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp:// -u RPk1W8gcpo2fGhXJJdkVoUkrAcBrtsFTWn.1/ -p xgoto start

when I try to run the t-rex application, a black text window pops up for just a second and says "ERROR: can't start miner, no pool was selected". When I try to run the start.bat file, I get another black text window, see picture.

kawpowminer config file is-kawpowminer.exe -P stratum+tcp://RPk1W8gcpo2fGhXJJdkVoUkrAcBrtsFTWn.1/

when i try to run the application, I get nothing. If it try to run it as an admin, it pops up the "make changes as admin" window, and acts like its going to run, but doesn't. Trying to run the start.bat file and I get yet another black text window, see picture #2.

Anybody that can help? I'm really at a loss, I've tried 3 or 4 miners and it seems that rvn just does not want to be mined by me.

submitted by /u/TiaxtheGrand
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