Here’s some advice from someone that had $40,000 in debt in mining rigs when the 2017 crash happened.

In late 2016 my friend asked me if I wanted to help him setup some mining rigs. It seemed like a no brainer. Buy the rigs, have a 6 – 8 months ROI, live like kings, and if the market crashes he could sell all the GPUs at his PC/cell phone repair shop.
I have stupid good credit and qualifed for 2 credit cards with $20,000 limits each and 18 months of no APR. He buys all the rigs, put them on my cards, he pays me back as the crypto flows in, and once it's paid off I get a small percentage of the profits for being the bank.
You know the rest. Market crashes, we panic sell all the cards, they are basically worthless at the time because everyone is dumping their cards, and 2 years of transferring the credit card balance around to other cards with no APR promotions so we don't drown in interest.
If we would have stuck it out, kept mining, and HODL the amount we would have made makes me sick to my stomach. The moral of this story is you don't loose money till you give up all your assets. Whether that is mining rigs, or crypto you bought, just hold on tight because things will recover. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, or maybe this year but it will eventually recover.
Also, never invest more than you're willing to loose. This go around I've been mining with 4 cards and dumping $20 – $50 a month into shitcoins to see if they go anywhere. While I'm sad to see my portfolio get cut down, it's only money I was already willing to loose.
TL;DR: Stay chill and be smart.
submitted by /u/tehcheez
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