Deleted apps but didn’t sell, goodbye reddit 👋

I decided my obsession with tickers, graphs and daily charts is doing nothing good for me.
I lost 6K in the matter of 48 hours because of the most corrupt government in the world, a narcissistic car mechanic and the fact that crypto is still in infancy.
At the end of the day , nothing changed. I still believe in the tech and I believe in ethereum as one of the backbones of humanities future. Yea I said it.
I copied my BlockFi wallet address into gmail for Bitcoin and ethereum. I will continue to DCA into these assets at 4-5 bills a month and maybe check back in a few years. I will be focusing the rest of my Investing income into classic ETFs, hedgefundies approach (to spice up life) and blue chips in my registered accounts(TFSA and RRSP).
I recently bought a house, have a successful career, a good circle Of friends, family and a perfect girlfriend soon to be fiancé. I have to stop tying my self worth to my investment portfolio. I’m not writing this to brag. But so I can read this as a reminder.
Crypto and equities have sucked all joy of life from me because I’m constantly checking news and my account balance. I’m constantly either catching artificial highs or depressions based on the market.
Meanwhile everything in my life is pretty decent. ✊ 🪵
You know what ? I will buy that kayak this summer . I will smoke a joint and watch a UFO documentary. I will use my telescope. I will golf . I will perfect my Ukrainian. I will live a life .
Adios. See you on Pluto
submitted by /u/LifeChangingGameStop
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