Yet another guide for newbies experiencing their first crash… yawn

Step 1
Panic, you really can't progress through the stages if you haven't properly panicked. I like to view this like flapping round the house, running your hands through your lockdown hair frantically. I like to imagine your internal voices saying things like, "why the fuck did I invest 99% of my net worth into Doge at its ATH" whilst your external voices are screaming. If you are at this stage, well done, you may progress. If you are not quite there yet, look at the charts some more or leverage trade 125x a little bit.
Step 2
You need to sell every last bit of crypto you have as soon as it gets tough and dips. This is the easy part, the real meat of the sandwich is you have to tell everyone you sold everything, particularly the reddit sub daily discussion. if you want to cover all bases, I would definitely make a post about how you sold everything and its such as scam. After all, your mate told you he had 5x his money and this got you interested. Then you searched on YouTube "Cryptocurrencies with 1000x potential". You went balls deep on pure shitcoins like safemoons and lost 40% overnight.
Step 3
Watch with glee as the market continues to correct a little bit more. This fuels the fire in your belly and reaffirms that you were right about this space, that it's a scam and it's a bubble and it's over. You feel good about this and you post more and more and downvote anyone with even the slightest bit of optimism.
Step 4
Wait…this can't be happening?!? It's going back up, its climbing, what the heck?!? It's pumping. It's gone above what I sold at and what I bought at. It's a new ATH, it's in price discovery mode. Oh my goodness, this can't go on forever, its only temporary. It's now at 2x what you bought at and 3x what you sold at. You watch with your jaw in your lap and butterflies in your stomach.
Step 5
You can't take it anymore, you FOMO in to chase your losses and them crazy crazy gains. This time it's not a correction, it's a market crash. It crashes down and down; any fake out is quickly destroyed. Hopelessness everywhere. Months pass and you are down 96% on your investment. You want to sell, but what's the point?
Lesson: Dont be 2017/2018 me
submitted by /u/anon8496847385
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