How’s the ETH pair doing?…

I just made $15,000 within a day (which is big for me). But I made a rookie mistake.
Instead of putting it into stable coins, I put it into Ethereum to maximize the gain a little in what I felt was one of the safer asset classes relatively speaking. The plan was to then put it into stable coins and then CDA over a period of time into a hand picked list of alt coins.
This would have been a good strategy had I been allowed to do it…
But this was the day before Elon shat on Bitcoin. Yeah…
At the time Ethereum was $4.1k. And then it dropped all the way down to 3k.
I don't want to sell until it gets back to 4.1k but I am also afraid of missing out on the opportunity cost of alts in the meantime.
Will Enther get back to 4.1 soon?
submitted by /u/DragoniteTakesFlight
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