Listening to redditors telling you to “buy the dip” is just as responsible as using a magic 8 ball

There are nearly 3 million members here. It's gotten to the point that people act like having been involved in crypto for a few weeks counts as proof of experience. Truth is if you let yourself trust the advice of strangers with a couple hundred invested in crypto you'd be just as well off trusting a coin toss.
Everyone telling you that this "dip" is a money-making opportunity doesn't have any special knowledge. They told you to buy the tip a week ago too and guess what, it's even lower now. This isn't part of a normal market cycle that can be easily extrapolated. There is blatant manipulation by one of the richest people in the world. No one can say what will happen next. Maybe it'll rocket up this week. Maybe it'll crash down. The only real advice is to know your own risk tolerance and make your own decisions based on that. No one knows what comes next.
submitted by /u/scrappy_and_sundry
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