XMR is everything you thought Bitcoin was when you were new…

One common misconceptions about Bitcoin by people who are just starting out are:
Bitcoin is untraceable (it's not)
Bitcoin has fast transactions (not true)
Bitcoin is cheap to move. (It's not)
Bitcoin is easy and good to use in day to day transactions. (Hint, it's not. Do you want to spend 30m waiting to pay for your $5 coffee after spending $20 in fees? Don't think so. Also, whoever you payed can see your wallet balance and decide to rob you…
Monero is untraceable
Monero has fast transaction (2m)
Monero has low fees (about $0.025 per transaction)
So, which do you prefer?
Bitcoin is not efficient for day to day transactions and XMR is what you thought Bitcoin is.
submitted by /u/KingOfNumismatics
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