Reminder that 99% of these projects will die out. (A look back at 2017 CMC)

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Reminder that 99% of these projects will die out. (A look back at 2017 CMC)

Looking back at the December 2017 CMC: Historical Snapshot – 03 December 2017 | CoinMarketCap

70% of the top 100 are no longer in the top 100

Over 60% are out of the top 300

7 have fallen out of the top 1,000

10 projects are no longer available

2,000 created crypto projects failed so far (9,677 still listed on CMC)

While the hype seems to be on the meme projects and longshots, remember that 99% of projects in existence will become useless and have no value down the road. If you want to roll the dice on a true gamble then by all means, but if you're over-investing in these projects I hope you realize how big of a risk you're taking, especially in the long run.

These are truly exciting times, and anyone who is just now getting into crypto is still early (in comparison to the rest of the world). If you're planning on becoming a long term HODLer, then find projects that aim to solve real-world problems, and are leading the way in there respective space in the ecosystem.

submitted by /u/allstater2007
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