For those holding recently pumped and then sharply declined coins, watch out for the dead cat bounce

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

For those holding recently pumped and then sharply declined coins, watch out for the dead cat bounce

The dead cat bounce is a coin/stock that sharply declines, usually after a good run up (hello Doge), then seems to make a sudden, sometimes dramatic recovery only to plummet again shortly afterwards. This can continue for a few cycles until the floor is hit, figuratively speaking.

If you want an example, go look at the BTC price chart from December 1st 2017 to the middle of 2018. In that relatively shory period of time BTC reached it’s the then-ATH of $19.000 dollar before bouncing down to lows of around $6000 a few months later. During this time, this sub was obviously in shambles, suicide hotline pinned, everyone looking high and low for any bullish news. When the upturns of the dead cat bounces happened this sub was over the moon, the bear was back in it’s cave, yay we all held through the bad times etc., only to have the suicide hotline pinned again a week later. Repeat.

My not-advice, as a non-financial-advisor:

If your favorite canine themed coin makes a seemingly quick recovery, be wary that it’s might be a bounce on the way to the vet to be put down. Don’t be afraid to take profit or cut your losses if you feel like you’re in over your head.

submitted by /u/rpaverion
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